Friday, March 27, 2009

Post #4

"Don't think too much. You'll think your entire life away. Just close your eyes and follow your heart. I promise it knows the way."

It's human to over analyze nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Perhaps it is part of our struggle to understand ourselves and the world around us. Who are we? What are we here for? Why do we do the things we do? Why did this certain event unfold in this matter?

But here's a bigger question, why can't we just accept the way things are and continue on with our lives? Why do we have to ask so many questions, causing worry and anxiety? Can't we just be happy with what we have?

I ran across a quote several months ago that said something about how "the fact that we're still standing at the end of the day is reason enough to celebrate." There is some truth to that, but that means that we're just SURVIVING...why not fight to THRIVE in our daily lives? Has the world really made it THAT difficult for us to THRIVE?

Get rid of the garbage in your life. Do some spring cleaning and figure out what you really need in order to be happy. If you don't take care of yourself, how are you ever going to be able to worry about anyone else? To be fair, you must know yourself before you can really invest in someone else.

Anyway, I apologize if this isn't as uplifting as you would expect. It's just something that's on my mind.

Take care.

1 comment:

  1. SUZANNE! what a wonderful blogging idea. :D
    and this post is pretty darn relevant for me (especially the "getting rid of the garbage in your life"), as we're moving and getting rid of as much junk as possible.
    we were having discussion the other day, and it went something like this: "why do you think people take vacations?" "TO GET AWAY FROM THEIR STUFF!"

    eh, just a thought. anyway, i'm following and linking you, my dear!

    all my love, always,
