Sunday, May 2, 2010

Post #44

A more personal blog, I suppose.

My world, as of late, has been flipped upside down in the most wonderful way(s) possible. I absolutely cannot even describe what feelings reside inside my heart, but I know it's overflowing with the most beauty I've ever been able to imagine. It's more than what I could imagine. Even the most "average" and "ordinary" things tend to look different to me recently. And I can't argue with that. I don't want to lose it, either.

I've learned that it's okay to let some things go. Sure, some things will always linger, but it's not such a bad thing to try to push them aside in order to make room for newer, more splendid opportunities.

Life is mostly about growth, I believe. We're really pretty similar to trees. We start out as a little seed and with some love, time, nourishment, etc. we can grow into something great. We can open our arms, like branches, and welcome whatever decides to reside in our shelter.

Anyway, life is good. Perspective has a lot to do with how you view your life as it is right now, and my perspective has been changing greatly recently. I've gained a greater appreciation for every person that enters my life, no matter how "insignificant" the encounter might be. Each experience changes our lives and it's our choice whether the experience changes our lives for better or worse. Being completely open to the beauty that is constantly surrounding us can really change our lives in the best way possible. I can honestly say that I even appreciate days that aren't so spectacular because they make me look forward to better things. I've always been somewhat aware of this, but I'm more acutely aware now. Nothing in life should ever be dismissed and each experience is unique and should be cherished.

I'm done rambling. The sky looks pretty stunning right now, so I think I'll sit outside and soak it in. <3

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