Sunday, April 5, 2009

Post #10

"You've got your whole life to do these things."

Why are we all in such a big rush? Honestly. Everything we do, we feel like it must be now. We want our problems solved right now, we want our food now, we want our fun now (without the consequences). Heaven forbid we have to do a little waiting and really learn to appreciate things a little bit. We're a "fast food nation," and I feel like it applies to so much more than just food.

Take a look at our prescription industry. Anti-depressants are one of the most highly prescribed drugs. Why is it that we feel that it's okay to treat the symptoms and not the causes of so-called depression? If we could face ourselves on a daily basis, and learn to be able to depend on people to help us through our lives (and also learn to be the person that people can depend on), I feel like we would be in a much better state. I just wish that doctors would give their patients the time of day. These people who seek medical help, for ANY issue, also need to be given the doctor's full attention. Unfortunately, it seems as though doctors are only concerned with gaining more patients in order to keep the business alive. I think we need more doctors with a holistic approach to medicine.

And as for fast food, I don't know if I should really open that can of worms. I will say, however, that our bodies weren't made to digest such chemically processed products. I'm not perfect, so I sometimes (very rarely) will be in a pinch and consume this "food." But it leaves me feeling so terrible, I don't feel like it's even worth it. Bleh. What are your thoughts on fast food?

"The world will try to tell you who you are until the day that you tell the world."

Another thing I have been thinking about is college. While it seems as though the rumor is that "you can't make a decent living unless you have a college degree", for some reason I can't help but think that some people just aren't cut out for it. And I'm not saying that negatively...just factually. I'm struggling a bit with the idea of going back to school in the fall. It just suddenly does not feel all. I was a little excited a couple months ago, but the more I think about it, the less I want to go. I just feel like I have been so rushed from the minute I set foot back at home, in October. And if I'm not really ready, then I more than likely won't excel. And I really don't feel like wasting more money. I need to make a final decision soon though. VERY soon. And it's really stressing me out, which almost reinforces the idea that I need to take some more time off. Advice?? :]

"Your eyes must do some raining if you’re ever going to grow."

Take care.

1 comment:

  1. I know you are feeling rushed with all this school stuff - and I totally think you need to do what you feel is right. If you go back to school I think you should look into being a therapist or counselor. You are very good with your words, and make me look at things differently all the time. It really makes my life less...uhhh... worrisome, in search of the right word. Reading your blog makes me think about the little things... like the texting thing you know about... I can't be in a rush to fix the problem, I just need to be patient and see what comes about from it.

    You're awesome, and I miss you!
