Friday, April 17, 2009

Post #16

A little girl, probably around 6 years old, gave me a tip yesterday. A whopping ten cents. I couldn't help but giggle and cherish that darn dime because of how proud she was to give it to me. Absolutely precious. Children see the world in a completely different light.

It was a beautiful day today. And tonight was nothing less than wonderful. So I set off, pocket full of sticky notes and chalk in hand. I walked for forty-five minutes, stopping every once in a while to either write a message on the sidewalk or leave a sticky note for someone. I ended up using almost a full stick of chalk. And I got seventeen sticky notes out there!

I've been really overwhelmed lately, just with many different things. But today I let myself let those things go (at least a little bit). I realize now that I was trying to have too much control over each obstacle...sometimes it's more effective to just sit back and watch how things work out. I was trying so hard to solve everything at once...therefore not being able to provide enough energy to even attempt to problem solve. I'm not saying to ignore life's problems. They need to be given attention; but don't dismiss the life that's right before your eyes just waiting to be lived.

"He who angers you, conquers you!"

That quote seems pretty versatile. Not only could it mean that a person who makes you angry conquers you, but I also take it in a way that applies to the previous paragraph. Anything that you give attention to that takes away from your positive energy has, in a way, conquered you. I know sometimes it's easier said than done, but if at all possible, try to learn how to let things go. Focus on positive things, and positive energy will be returned. I speak from experience.

A shout-out goes to Shana, for being my inspiration today! I love you! <3

"Friendship is one mind in two bodies."

Take care!

1 comment:

  1. Well most days, you are my inspiration.

    On the whole letting go thing - I did that today, and it was a relief. I just let go of things that I dont really need to be putting energy into. You can only give so much energy into someone without recieving anything back before you give up - and I am speaking in terms of love.

    I dont really look at it as giving up - but more or less letting someone else decide if they want to take the reins for once. It's okay to let go of your reins once in while, just make sure things don't get out of control. You don't have to be in charge to have control.

    In the long run - you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else, but once you are taken care of, go for the gold and take care of as many people you want.

    You can't protect the ones you love if you can't first protect yourself.

    Love. Laugh. Live.
